Hamilton Students are the heartbeat of our school. This page is just for them.
Work Hard, Play Fair, Take Care of Each Other - Our Motto

Patriot Pride
Student Voice
New to Hamilton for the 2022-2023 school year is the Student Voice Committee. SVCs are designed to promote strong, sustained student-adult partnerships that work together to address school-based issues and promote shared decision-making.
Mr. Bisson, Middle School Social Studies Teacher will be leading the organization of our SVC. During this time he and the students involved will work together to
Build the Foundation of the Committee
Conduct a School Community Analysis
Conduct Research and Organize for Action
Implement Action Plans and Reflect
We are excited to add this committee to Hamilton and will share regular updates on the news section of the website.

Hamilton PRIDE of
the Patriot Award
The Hamilton Action Team (HAT) presents two awards to graduating eighth graders who best exemplify excellence in academics, citizenship, and character.
Students who are an active and positive part of the Hamilton community and work to their best academic ability, through classroom participation, respectful behavior, and regular attendance, will be considered. The award money will be used for academic purposes: school supplies, a computer, a calculator, etc.
This is a peer-nominated award. Middle school students are eligible to nominate one or more of their fellow students by completing a short essay, no more than 500 words, explaining why the nominated student is deserving of the award.
Submitted forms will be reviewed by a committee composed of teachers, administrators, and HAT members. Winners will be announced at an all-school assembly in June.